OH Kids

OH Kids//Sunday 10:00

Kids are important! We seek to create an atmosphere where kids can encounter the presence of Jesus that is understandable and meaningful to them!

Kids join in worship during our Sunday morning gatherings and then are dismissed to their classrooms.

A parent and child room is available for nursery age children where a live stream of the service is available to watch.

Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids

3-5 yrs old.

Preschoolers will have time to play, worship,  discuss Bible stories and learn about Jesus each week.

Super Kids
Super Kids

6-12 yrs ols.

Kids will explore Bible stories, worship, pray for one another, all while building meaningful relationships with others.

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matt 19:14

Your First Visit

Safety is a top priority at OH Kids. There is a check-in system with parent identification security tags, and volunteers who have all passed a comprehensive background check.

When you enter main church entrance a greeter will meet your family and point you in the direction of the OH Kids check in area.

Please be prepared to give the following information: family members’ names, kids’ names and birthdates, address, phone number, and any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for your kids. We are excited to meet your family!