We Are
Presence Driven
The presence of God is our priority. We believe that Jesus should be the center of everything we do. The worship gatherings and programs we offer are designed to help facilitate moments where people can have a real encounter with Jesus. Jesus changes everything!
Exodus 33:16-16
Kingdom Minded
Motivated by Love
Jesus said that the greatest commandment was to love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength and the second was to love our neighbor as ourselves. Our love for God (and His love for us) and our love for the ones in front of us motivates us to live our calling and change the world.
Matthew 22:36-40
Here To Help People

Know God,
You were created by God and He desires to know you personally. The Christian life is more than religious rules and fulfilling certain requirements. God want you to not only know about Him but know Him in a personal way.
Our worship gatherings are designed to host the presence of God in a real way where real God encounters can happen! Whether you’re new to church or if you’ve been around the church for a long time, our worship gatherings are a safe place to find out what it means to know God and grow closer to Him.

Find Freedom,
Real life change happens in the context of relationships. One of the ways God designed for us to live in freedom is to have people in our lives to help us in the journey. Connect groups are an enjoyable and practical way to experience abundant life.

Discover Purpose,
Everyone is an important part of God’s plan. God has created each one of us with purpose and identity. The Growth Track is a practical and important step in helping you connect to the body of Christ and discover your gifts and passions!

and Make a Difference
God has created you with unique gifts and talents. His plan and desire is that you make an eternal difference in the lives of others. Through our Dream Teams you can find a place to live out your calling to serve. When we do, the Bible tells us we will experience joy!